Tuesday 10 August 2021


Yesterday I woke up bored with nothing much to do, and so I thought of you

As I pulled the blind to let the light fall through, it felt like you

I drank my coffee - how you like to - and it quenched my thirst, the way you do

In the shower, your fingers were rivulet kisses all over my body and running, like love, through my whiskers

In the garden, you were a bird wheeling high and free, just the way you should be

And not the clematis, sad and sweet, choked amongst the ivy

A dog in the park played madcap beneath the giggling water tap

And though its gambolling had me chuckling it was not the laugh

I feel all over my skin and in every inch within

The way I grin when you make me grin

All the exquisite blooms, hustling for space where they'd sprung

But made me long for your face and the carpel of your tongue

The noisy boys and traffic of phones fill not the void where your tranquil tones

Should be; with me. Holding my hand for all the world to see

Not barely visible like these people on this lofty little aeroplane

All going somewhere, not nowhere, and belonging when they get there

When all I can do is write askance across this dreadful distance

And hope you understand I see you everywhere, just you

Just your laugh and smile and sense of right and good

No translation, not a weighty expectation, never should or could

But all of what you are. That which, when I lose sight of the stars

When I'm sunk and sick with trouble, means it's you that pops the bubble

Shakes me off and dusts me down. You, whose words can shine a light

And wake the scrappy little fighter deep within me. That is you.

You have a power that can make me dream of rivulets in showers

Or resent the very flowers I can't gather just to make your green eyes glad

And perhaps to feel your arms around my waist and a kiss upon my face

And feel at home. In from the cold.

Perhaps one day we'll wake up bored and with nothing much to do

I can pull the blind and let the light fall through to you

And here, as I typed it, I will softly bring you coffee - how you like it.

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