Saturday 12 April 2014

The tangible intangible

And on to day twelve, with a prompt to look for some sentences about a thing or object and substitute that tangible noun with an intangible noun. This is a pretty strange idea but a good one I think. As a novice it made me think about metaphors and suchlike. And while my intangible turned out to be a phrase rather than a single word, I think it sort of works.


Caution in love is a tough outer covering and its functions
are insulationtemperature regulation and sensation.

Caution in love is a barricade from damage
between the internal and external environment.

It acts as a water-resistant barrier so essential elements
aren't washed out of the anatomy.

Caution in love guards the underlying muscles, bones,
ligaments and internal organs, especially the heart.

But there are weak points located around the senses and
although caution in love provides a semi-impermeable shield,

oxygen can still diffuse into the consciousness in small amounts.
Some creatures use caution in love as their sole respiration organ.

You can sometimes glimpse a layer beneath the epidermis
that protects and cushions one from stress and strain.

Caution in love is stretched like a neoprene wetsuit around the diver's body
and has a soft-tissue mechanical behaviour when tugged at.

When deep cuts are made, caution in love can retract, widening the aperture.

(and the subbed word was skin, of course)

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  1. This is a wonderful response to the prompt. I like the intangible phrase. Very nice read.

  2. Thanks! I was actually really unsure about this one when I wrote it, I thought it sounded too much like a textbook!


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