Wednesday 2 April 2014


Prompt: write a poem based on a non-Greco-Roman myth.


Alright, those stories of your wordplay
and romances are fancy enough.
the way you wield Great Fury
and slay poets is rousing enough.
when girls turn into butterflies
or you search for a dream, that's pretty enough.
I can't deny.

You come from an ancient place
where the real and the imagined
have been lost in the fog.
Where blades bear names
and dead friends are resurrected.
A time of great love affairs.
And it's all interesting enough,
I can't deny.

But great love affairs don't just happen to the great.
Alright, my sword's not called anything
and nobody dies of a broken heart.
But sometimes
out of the blue
magic happens.

This poem is about Aengus from Irish mythology. His poetic inspiration didn't quite work as I'd hoped for.

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